CONTRIBUTED BY THECITY OF AUBURN /BY DAVID D. DORTON AUBURN —Thinking of starting a business in Auburn? Join the city of Auburn for the next Start...
Events Articles
Community Marches to Stop Violence
OGrows and Jule Collins To Host Kickoff
Hey Day Market Announces Fall Events
CONTRIBUTED BYTHE HEY DAY MARKET AUBURN —The Hey Day Market in Auburn announced its fall specials and events last week.Weekly Happenings/Specials•...
Bands, Bands and More Bands
Tuesday, Aug. 22, nine local high school bands and the Auburn University marching band gathered at Bulldog Stadium in Opelika for Band O Rama 2023....
Sundilla Presents Peacock, Nicholls
CONTRIBUTED BY SUNDILLA AUBURN — Sarah Peacock and special guest Danni Nicholls will make their Sundilla debuts on Friday, Sept. 8. Showtime...
A Community Cornerstone
Cornerstone Family Chiropractic (CFC) hosted its 12th annual Back 2 School Bash Saturday, Aug. 19. Essentially an outdoor, parking lot carnival,...
Opelika Rallies for Bubba
The city of Opelika hosted "Burgers for Bubba" at Monkey Park Saturday, Aug. 19, in honor of fallen Firefighter Medic Zachary "Bubby" Sorenson. The...
Cornerstone Chiropractic Hosting 12th Annual Back-2-School-Bash Aug. 19
BY WIL CREWS SPORTSCREWS@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM AUBURN — Cornerstone Family Chiropractic (CFC) is hosting its 12th annual Back 2 School Bash...