Letter to the Editor Articles

Letter to the Editor

I  wanted to provide a summary of the Cancer Event to Remember that the Opelika Observer graciously helped advertise for. This event was a virtual exercise challenge where participants could register for a challenge of either 300, 600 or 1000 minutes of exercise for...

Letter to the Editor

Dec. 30, 2020 is not far away, and amid this most challenging year, the date itself represents another challenge — it is the last day your community is allowed by the state of Alabama to have spent its fair share of apportioned federal COVID CARES funds to fight the...

Letter to the Community

Log a Load for 2020 was originally planned for May 2 at the Oak’s, due to the pandemic surrounding our lives we chose to cancel the event. I want to thank everyone for their generosity that is extended each year to provide a huge donation that is 100% donated to the...

Letter to the Editor

Here are some solid reasons for re-electing U.S. Senator Doug Jones on Tuesday, November 3. For 2019, Govtrack.us reported “Jones cosponsored 324 bills and resolutions introduced by other Members of Congress. Co-sponsorship shows a willingness to work with...