By Rebekah Martin
Associate Editor
Lee County residents will come out to fight cancer when the Lee County Relay for Life team holds their annual event April 22 at the Courthouse Square. This year’s theme is “HopeStock.” Team leader Valeri White said the theme was chosen because a main reason to be involved in this event is to give others hope. “There are many reasons that people relay. Whatever the reason, there is one common theme, and that is everyone is motivated to act,” White said.
The event will begin at 6 p.m. with a survivor’s walk, giving those who have fought and beat cancer an opportunity to celebrate their victories. The event will feature games, activities and fundraising opportunities throughout the night and the Lee County Relay for Life team invites the public to participate and support those fighting cancer and their caregivers.
A Luminaria Ceremony is scheduled for 10 p.m. According to information provided by the Lee County Relay for Life team, the group holds this ceremony to remember people who have lost their battles with cancer, honor people who have fought cancer in the past and support those who are still fighting for their lives. Candles are lit inside of personalized bags and are placed around the relay track as glowing tributes to those who have been affected by cancer.
“Whether it’s to celebrate a good prognosis, honor someone in a battle or to remember someone who has died, Relay For Life brings together people with a common cause – to end cancer,” said volunteer Janet McCoy. “It’s very meaningful to volunteer. Everyone has been touched by cancer in some way, and when you are touched, you feel helpless and want to do something. Supporting Relay is my way of helping people fight cancer.”
The Lee County Relay for Life team is made up of 47 teams and 292 participants. The group has already raised more than $53,000 toward their ultimate goal of $200,000. Those interested in learning more about Relay for Life or forming a team can visit or email Ashlee Baggett with the American Cancer Society at