North American (four-legged) cats

The largest cat in North America goes by many names. By whatever name, it is a source of continual interest whenever the ancient ones gather to give guidance to our elected officials and to discuss certain issues of Sports Illustrated, etc., etc., etc. Much...

Reasons why people drink bottled water

I never cease to be amazed by the number of people who seem to have an obsession with consuming bottled water, at a cost of at least 1,000 times greater than the same amount municipal tap water costs. In 2011, 9.1 billion gallons of bottled water were purchased by...

‘Give me a fish to build a dream on’

Someone told me not too long ago about two men who recited poetry “way out loud” while fishing, simply because it was just a fun thing to do. One of them would come up with a strong rendition of “Invictus” to emphasize the disappointment of losing a two-pound bass on...

The best things in life are free

In last week’s column, I was fired up after a parent filed an official bullying complaint against a Texas high school football team for beating his son’s team 91-0. I vowed to come back for part two this week on how the anti-bullying campaign has gotten out of hand;...