Valentine’s Day 2013

Cupid has been flitting around this world for centuries spreading love and romance, but every year when Valentine Day comes around, some have a problem. The problem today is not only what Valentine gift to send, but can I afford it? Love, being blind, does not seem to...

Riding the ‘circle’

Last week, we walked around part of the home place. This week, let’s ride around the whole community, make that “circle.” You may have grown up in a community like mine…or your parents did…or your grandparents, and perhaps you’d visit them each summer....

Your pup’s teeth need TLC, too

Americans spend $1.8 billion annually on toothpaste, and $775 million on toothbrushes. The average person will spend 38.5 days brushing their teeth over his lifetime. The Nile Crocodile has 66 teeth and doesn’t brush, but does have a unique way of getting his teeth...

Adding a new dog to your home

Adding a new dog to the family can be exciting for you, but it’s not always a joy for your existing pet. Just as you probably wouldn’t enjoy a random stranger moving into your home, your dog won’t either. Taking the time to introduce and acclimate the dogs to one...

Cloudy days

I have been mulling over what it is I want to say to you. I am grateful for the opportunity to have this little (unfortunately one sided) conversation with you all each week. I appreciate your comments and I love knowing you personally. I try to entertain, I want to...