Compassion is a feeling of respect. Being nice and caring about the feelings of others is showing compassion. Compassion is being careful about others and being the best you can be toward other people. Being friendly and showing care to all. That is what compassion is to me.

– Sarah Hamby, fourth grader at Northside Intermediate School

Compassion is love. It is caring for others. You can show compassion by helping a friend that is hurt. If a kid is getting bullied, you can stand up for them and tell the bully to stop. If a kid doesn’t have any friends, you can be their friend.

– Charity Garcia Reese, fourth grader at Northside Intermediate School

Compassion is a very nice thing. Compassion sounds like caring, love, and happiness. Compassion looks like sharing, helping, hugs and kisses. Compassion is feeling sorrow for another. Compassion is also people who don’t feel well. Compassion needs to be felt all over the world.

– Kayleigh Smith, fourth grader at Northside Intermediate School