Contributed by
Central Alabama VA

A new veterans outpatient clinic will open in downtown Columbus at 2100 Comer Ave. in Columbus, Georgia, in the spring of 2021. This clinic will be an addition to the existing Community Based Outpatient Clinic at 1310 13th Ave., which will be replaced by a $64 million state-of-art VA clinic expected to be completed in late 2022. 

The Columbus Downtown VA Clinic will be approximately 10,000 square feet and include 24 exam rooms/offices and one minor procedure room. The new clinic will also offer five consult treatment rooms and 12 administrative areas for home-based primary care and HUD-VASH program staff.

The downtown clinic will provide access to the following services:

• Home-based primary care

• Homeless Patient Aligned Care Team (H-PACT)

• Housing & Urban Development/VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) services for homeless veterans

• Laboratory blood draws/specimen collection (laboratory courier services will be utilized to process specimens)

• Telehealth services

• Visiting subspecialists

The Fort Benning VA Clinic will continue to provide primary care services to our veterans, ensuring maximum care opportunities. Additionally, VA offers a comprehensive set of travel and transportation programs for veterans.

 “The Central Alabama Veterans Health Care System will continue to improve health care access and quality, making it easier for Veterans to get the care they need and deserve,” said Health System Director Amir Farooqi.

Updates regarding clinic operations will be available at or on Facebook at