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Opelika Chamber Issues Quarterly Business Awards

PHOTO CONTRIBUTED BY THE OPELIKA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TOP: The Minority Business of the Quarter award, sponsored by Alabama Power, was presented to Dani’s Cheesecake Owner Danielle Moore, center. The awards ceremony took place at the chamber’s Business Over Breakfast...

Boonie Hat Coffee Serves It Up Hot … or Cold

Tuesday, Aug. 30, a crowd gathered on the campus of Southern Union State Community College (SUSCC) in Opelika for the unveiling of the Boonie Hat Coffee Cart. Opelika Mayor Gary Fuller and SUSCC President Todd Shacket joined Boonie Owner Luis Saavedra and the Opelika...

Summer in the Park Slated for Saturday

BY KENDYL HOLLINGSWORTH KENDYLH@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM OPELIKA — Summer in the Park, a United Way of Lee County fundraising event hosted by the city of Opelika, will bring a variety of food, activities and special guests to Opelika’s Municipal Park on Aug. 20 from 10...

Whatley Files Motion Contesting Re-hearing

The following is the text from a motion file by Tom Whatley's legal counsel, contesting the re-hearing that was granted to his opponent Jay Hovey. BEFORE THE ALABAMA REPUBLICAN PARTYSTATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEECHARLES W. WHATLEY;GARY LEE HUNT,Contestants,vs.JAY...

Economic Injury Survey

According to the Alabama Small Business Development Center, a certain number of businesses have to fill out a request in order for the relief to...

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Happy birthday Irene

By Wendy Hodge Measuring time … it’s something we humans do in a thousand different ways. Days, weeks, and months on calendars, clocks that alarm...

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