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Legal Notice – Notice of Service By Publication: Publish the following notice for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Observer and return the proof of publication to Joshua K. Chesser, attorney for the Plaintiff, at the address shown below upon the final publication of...

Pebble Hill to host lecture, singer/songwriter contest

CONTRIBUTED BY AUBURN UNIVERSITY COLLEGEOF LIBERAL ARTS NOV. 3, 2023The public is invited to “Picturing Justice: Race and the Supreme Court,” a lecture by renowned historian Vernon Burton, on Friday, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. at the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the...

Oct. 26, 2023 Players of the week

OPELIKA KAIDEN HARRIS6 Tackles BEULAHSenior RJ Shealey #19146 Rushing yards and2 TD's LEE SCOTTJJ MEYERS vs Fort Dale129-yards and 3 TD's2-catches 37-yards*Correction : Last week we listed the wrong player as the playerof the game for Lee-Scott. JJ Meyers should have...

Fall Public Relations Speaker Series Empowers Students

CONTRIBUTED BY THE OAKS AGENCY / WRITTEN BY DARBY ROSE AUBURN —The Auburn University Public Relations Advisory Council invited Auburn students from all majors to the Harold D. Melton Student Center to network with industry professionals and gain valuable guidance...

Hornets preparing for area play

By Wil Crews sportscrews@opelikaobserver.com The Beauregard Varsity Girls’ softball team travelled to a tournament in Auburn last Friday in search...

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