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Home sweet home with Sweet Grown Alabama

Lee County Farm City holds annual banquet 2023-11-20 Lee County Farm City2023-11-20 Lee County Farm City2023-11-20 Lee County Farm City2023-11-20 Lee County Farm City2023-11-20 Lee County Farm City2023-11-20 Lee County Farm City Lee County Farm City held its annual...

Public Notices 11-30-2023

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LEE COUNTY, ALABAMAMICAYLA HEARD, et al., Plaintiffs,V. KENY FELIPE SALES, et al., Defendants.Case No. CV-2022-900404LEGAL NOTICEIn this cause it is made to appear to the Court, by the affidavit of the Plaintiff, that Keny Felipe Sales and...

Lee County Commission Expands Broadband

BY HANNAH GOLDFINGERHGOLDFINGER@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM LEE COUNTY —The Commission has moved forward with American Rescue Plan Act funding for broadband projects."We have been meeting over the last two months, we formulated a team," said County Administrator Holly...

Lee-Scott, Glenwood to meet again in state championships

BY NOAH GRIFFITH FOR THE OBSERVER | PHOTOS BY ROBERT NOLES LEE COUNTY — This year’s AISA 3A state football championship will be a rematch of Lee-Scott Academy and Glenwood High School, giving both teams a chance to leave their final marks on the AISA.Both schools are...


OTC Wants Them! CONTRIBUTED BY OTC Opelika Theatre Company (OTC) is partnering with Funds2org to launch a unique fundraising experience for Lee...

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City-of-Opelika-Notice-of-Public-HearingsDownload Special City Legal Notices 10-07-21

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