Letter to the Editor Articles

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing to correct a gross error on my part that appeared in your news story that appeared in Vol 12, No. 50 of the Opelika Observer, Ms. Hannah Lester’s article on “Celebrating Auburn’s MIA - Max Morris.”  For years I had...

Letter to the Editor

My name is Robert Lofton and I am running for the Ward 3 City Council seat presently held by Dozier SmithT. I am a retired veterinarian and I practiced veterinary medicine for more than 40 years. Ownership of my veterinary hospital gave me  experience in the...

Dear Editor:

This summer, sportsmen and women celebrated the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, the most significant conservation legislation in a generation. When the president signs this bill, projects to restore our public lands, national parks and open spaces will...

Letter to the Editor

This November there will four statewide and two local proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot. On behalf of the Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform (ACCR) and personally, Dr. John Cochran and I write to request your news coverage and editorial support...

Spelling bee season

Spell, Spell, Spell...the season of musical tintinnabulation of spelling words peaked again this week in Washington D.C. at the 86th National...

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July 6 Letter to the Editor

In response to Cliff McCollum’s opinions, “Love thy neighbor? What’s his party affiliation?”, I feel compelled to inject some observations on some...

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