Women Rule in Alabama Politics By STEVE FLOWERS OPINION — For many years, Alabama has been ridiculed in national publications for having fewer women...
Steve Flowers Articles
Inside the Statehouse
Two New U.S. Senators for Alabama OPINION — Richard Shelby walked out of the U.S. Senate this week after 36 years. Walking out with him is almost...
Inside the Statehouse
Richard Shelby Coming Home OPINION — Our iconic senior United States senator, Richard Shelby, will walk out of the Senate chambers in...
Inside the Statehouse
The McMillans of Baldwin County OPINION — Alabama has a treasured history of famous political families. Many of the legacies are of father-and-son...
Inside the Statehouse
Two Jefferson County Legends Retire OPINION — As we begin to celebrate the Christmas season and close out 2022, allow me to share the story of two...
Inside the Statehouse
Some Legislative Leaders Retire, Pass Away OPINION — Allow me to share the stories of three of my favorite legislative colleagues. Two of these...
Inside the Statehouse: Alabama’s Big 10 Mayors Are Influential
Alabama's Big 10 Mayors Are Influential OPINION — Students of Alabama political history will rightly remember the 2022 midterm election. This...
Inside the Statehouse
All Politics Is No Longer Local OPINION — The legendary speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Tip O’Neill, is credited with coining the...
Inside the Statehouse
Bonner Inaugurated at South Alabama OPINION — Jo Bonner was officially sworn in as the fourth president of the University of South Alabama on Sept....