Beth Pinyerd Articles

Classroom Observer | Buttercups are blooming with Spring hope

We are still in winter, but it is so special as we are out and about in central Alabama to see the beautiful sunshine yellow colors of buttercups already blooming along the grassy areas of the road and in yards. Oh, how I love the sweet fragrance of these “happy...

Classroom Observer | Goodbye February, hello March!

Before we wave goodbye to February this week, I want to remind the readers that February is International Friendship Month. I always remember what Helen Keller said about friendship: “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” ...

Classroom Observer | Making children feel loved

BY BETH PINYERD OPINION — As an early childhood teacher it is my heartfelt desire for children to know just how special they are. I want them to experience how much they are loved by their families, friends and this community.How can we make our children feel they are...

Classroom Observer | Jan. 16, 2025

Lessons on sharing and caring OPINION — Jan. 20 the life and birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr will be honored. King strove for equality and freedom for all people. Through his “I Have A Dream” speech children can learn about hope, sharing and caring. These things...
Classroom Observer – Winter fun for children

Classroom Observer

Sweet fruits of Fall OPINION — We are so blessed to have a community that celebrates all the Fall activities. This is truly a very busy and active...

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