OPELIKA — During Tuesday night’s Opelika City Council meeting, two bids and two resolutions pertaining to the LED lighting retrofit and the purchase of Sportscluster lighting for Bandy Park and West Ridge Parks was approved. Combined, the projects will cost the city $1,107,900.
- The council approved a bid of nearly $41,000 from Midway Trailers Inc. for the purchase of one fiber optic splicing Ttrailer for Opelika Power Services.
- The council approved a bid from Floyd Service Center in the total amount of $211,000 for item one and Littleton Electric in the total amount of $53,000 for item two, for the West Ridge Park and Bandy Park LED Lighting Retrofit.
- The council approved expense reports from various departments.
- The council approved the designation of city personal property surplus and authorized its disposal.
- The council approved the purchase of one 2025 Crown Lift Truck from Thompson Lift Truck Co. for an amount of just under $50,500 using the Sourcewell Contract No. 011723-CAT.
- The council approved the purchase of SportsCluster Lighting for Bandy Park from Musco Sports Lighting LLC in the total amount of $74,900.
- The council approved the purchase of SportsCluster Lighting for West Ridge Park Musco Sports Lighting LLC in the total amount of $769,000.
- The council approved a professional services agreement with Barrett Simpson for the Sportsplex Pkwy Extension Project. The estimated cost is $662,300.
- The council approved a professional services agreement with Barge for a bridge design related to the Sportsplex Pkwy Extension Project. The estimated compensation due to Barge under the agreement is $359,000.
- The council approved a revised professional services agreement with Barrett Simpson for the Veterans Parkway Extension Project. The estimated compensation due to Barrett-Simpson under the agreement is $342,900, which shall come from the 2025 budget for roadway improvements.
- The council approved a professional services agreement with Barge for a bridge design related to the Veterans Parkway Extension Project. The estimated compensation due to Barge under the agreement is $250,000, which shall come from the 2025 budget for roadway improvements.
- The council approved a professional services agreement with Sain Assoc. for a signal and intersection design for 2nd Ave. and N. 3rd Street. The estimated compensation due to Sain under the agreement is $31,200, which shall come from the 2025 budget for roadway improvements.
- The council approved a contract for services for fiscal year (FY) 2025 with The Dream Day Foundation Inc. in the amount of $10,000.
- The council approved an annual appropriation contract of $5,000 for FY2025 with the Domestic Violence Intervention Center.
- The council approved a special appropriation of $2,500 to the Domestic Violence Intervention Center.
- The council approved the appointment of Keri Hallford to the Library Board for a new term that will expire Oct. 19, 2028.