I take issue with the recent column by Steve Flowers. His statement “these silly indictments are so transparently politically orchestrated” regarding the former president apparently thinks the former president did not break the law. Does he think that hiding documents whether classified or not that do not belong to him but belong to we, the people, is not breaking the law? Does he think that spawning a riot at the capital is not breaking the law? Does he think that orchestrating a plan to overturn a legitimate election is not breaking the law? Does he think that evading taxes for decades is acceptable when the rest of us pay our fair share? Does he think that just because someone is running for office and he happens to be a former president that he is above the law and should not be held accountable?
Of course, Mr. Flowers is an opinion columnist and he can have his opinion. My opinion is that our former president should be indicted just like you or I would be if we had done the same thing. If he is found guilty by a jury and a court of law, then he should pay the consequences. Our court system is the one to decide if a law has been broken, not Mr. Flowers.

Marilyn Garrett