By Wil Crews
The Observer
The Lee County Emergency Management Agency in partnership with Alabama Department of Public Health and East Alabama Health is offering free coronavirus tests to Lee County and its surrounding communities through a temporary testing site that will be operational on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 8 and 9, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 11 and 12 also from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“There is a definite need in Lee County for more testing,” said Lee County EMA Director Rita Smith.
The Alabama Department of Public Health is assisting in the effort in light of the recent influx of cases around the state and to help reduce the number of people visiting East Alabama Medical Center (EAMC) in search of a test.
“We are very, very thankful for Alabama Department of Public,” Smith said. “The hospital is just overwhelmed with people coming to the emergency department for a COVID test when — unless you are having problems with breathing — that is not an urgent need to go to the emergency department. The other [reason we are doing this] is the demand is so high and we have seen such an influx of positive cases.”
The site is located at 2000 Waverly Parkway in Opelika.
To schedule an appointment, you must be a resident of Alabama and symptomatic.
To secure a Saturday or Sunday appointment, call 334-528-4968 on Friday. To make an appointment on Tuesday or Wednesday, call the 334-528-4968 the day before you wish to test.
“If someone shows up and they don’t have an appointment they are going to have to go back through the procedure.”