By Kayla Evans
For the Opelika Observer
In the Opelika City Council’s meeting on Feb. 16, the council unanimously voted to authorize the city to submit a grant application to Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs for the recreational trails program.
The estimated amount of the grant is $400,000. The city’s local contribution in either cash or in-kind services would be a little over $148,000.
The trail will be along Pepperell Creek on the site of Opelika Innovation and Technology Park. The trail will be 8 to 10 feet wide and 5,000 feet long. It will accommodate both bicyclists and pedestrians, and there will be a gravel parking lot at each entrance to the trail.
The council also recognized the Opelika City School Teacher of the Year. The Opelika City Schools Elementary Teacher of the Year is Breeana Boyd from Morris Avenue Intermediate School. She has been a third grade teacher there for the past six years.
The Opelika City Schools Secondary Teacher of the Year is Hannah Holladay from Opelika High School. She has been an English teacher there for seven years and a mentor to new staff for four years. She is an AP 11 English teacher, teaches creative writing and sponsors the Honors Society and MSA program.
The Carver Primary Teacher of the Year is Katie Allain. She is a technology teacher there and has been at Carver Primary for three years.
Jeter Primary Teacher of the Year is Mary Torrance. She has been there for several decades as a second grade teacher and is a member of the instructional leadership team.
Southview Primary Teacher of the Year is Tori Gooden. She is completing her eighth year of teaching, is currently pursuing her leadership certificate at Auburn and is completing her national board certification. She serves on the leadership team at Southview as the technology coordinator.
The Northside Intermediate School Teacher of the Year is Dr. Denise Glenn. She has been at Northside for 16 years.
The West Forest Intermediate School Teacher of the Year is Robin Cobb. She is a fourth grade teacher, works in the after school and summer programs at Greater Peace and co-coaches the dance team at Tuskegee University.
The Opelika Middle School Teacher of the Year is Amanda Massey. She has been a teacher for 16 years and is a seventh grade life science teacher. She is the department chair for life science, a mentor for new teachers and a sponsor for the national junior honors society.
Other business:
The council approved a travel expense report submitted by the Parks and Recreation Department.
The council approved emergency repairs to Uniroyal Lift Station.
The council authorized the technology information department to purchase Samsara GPS software and equipment from CDW Government Inc. over a 3-year contract
The council authorized the city administration to purchase VRH Heating and Outdoor Systems for use at City Hall
The council approved change to Organizational Chart of the Parks and Recreation Department
The council approved to amend CDBG PY2019 Action Plan.
The council approved the grant application to ADEM for Alabama Recycling Fund Grant Program.
The council approved the amending and extending of the ADA Sidewalk Contract with SDAC.
The council approved the amending and extending of the Roadway Contract with Robinson Paving Co.
The council approved the Industrial Boulevard CEI Change Order for TTL
The council approved the agreement with GDS Associates, Inc. for General Consulting Services.
The council approved the Pole Attachment License Agreement with the Utilities Board.
The council approved the settlement agreement with 280 Land Company, LLC.
The council approved the contract with Seely & Long Associates for Grant Admin Services.