Politics Articles

Lee County Commission continues broadband plans

BY HANNAH GOLDFINGERHGOLDFINGER@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM LEE COUNTY - As Lee County continues to expand broadband access, thanks to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, into less-reached areas of the county, many residents continue to approach the commission with...

Opelika City Council names January Character Council’s Citizen of Excellent Character

BY MICHELLE KEYMICHELLE@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM OPELIKA — James Hughley was also recognized by Fuller and Ward 1 Council Member George Allen as the Character Council's Citizen of Excellent Character for the month of January. This month’s character is loyalty which means a...

Auburn seeks interested citizen for the Cemetary Advisory Board

THE OBSERVER STAFFEDITOR@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM AUBURN — The Auburn City Council met in regular session on Jan. 16.Wes Williams was nominated and approved to serve a second term on the Cemetary Advisory Board. Mayor Ron Anders noted there is still a vacancy on the board...

City of Smiths Station building storm shelter

BY HANNAH GOLDFINGERHGOLDFINGER@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM SMITHS STATION — The city of Smiths Station is moving forward with its Community Tornado Saferoom.Before the start of the new year, the Smiths Station City Council approved two items related to the safe room during...
County Discusses Broadband

County Discusses Broadband

BY HANNAH LESTER HLESTER@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM LEE COUNTY — The Lee County Commission heard a presentation by Dan Mellot with Sain Associates on the...

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