Events Articles

Lucy’s Announces New Summer Events Series Starting This Month

The Series Will Feature Sunday Disco Brunch and Weekly Live Music Contributed to The Observer AUBURN — Lucy’s, a modern American restaurant in Auburn, will be kicking off a new summer events series in celebration of its four-year anniversary on Sunday, June 5. The...

Virtuosic Duo Coming to Sundilla June 23

Contributed toThe Observer AUBURN –– To listen to April Verch and Cody Walters is to be immersed in tradition. To watch them perform is to be transported. Be it regional Canadian roots, American old-time, 50s Country, Scandinavian folk music or something...

Burger Wars Heats Up Downtown Opelika

Burger lovers, young and old, flocked to downtown Opelika on June 4 to chow down on a wide array of creative and delectable burgers. The annual competition, hosted by Opelika Rotary Club, doubles as a fundraiser to combat food insecurity in the area. Zazu Gastropub...

High Steaks Competition

The Opelika Fire Department smoked the Auburn team during the Big Bite Challenge on Saturday. 2022-06-04 Burger Wars 2022 2022-06-04 Burger Wars 2022 2022-06-04 Burger Wars 2022 2022-06-04 Burger Wars 2022 2022-06-04 Burger Wars 2022 2022-06-04 Burger Wars 2022...