Special to the
Opelika Observer
Opelika Theatre Company will be holding auditions for their spring production of “The Addams Family: A new musical” on Dec. 14 from 9 a.m. to noon and also from 4 to 6 p.m.
Interested parties should call the theatre company at 334-663-2593 or 334-663-4480 to reserve a time slot. Information needed will be age, email address, name and telephone number.
Auditions will be held at the Southside Center for the Arts which is located at 1103 Glenn St. in Opelika. Participants should prepare a one minute or less monologue and a 30- second song (preferrably a Broadway show tune.) Wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to learn a short dance routine.
Play rehearsals will start in late January and are expected to be held on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
The show dates are tentatively set for May 8, 9, 15 and 16.
About OTC
The Opelika Theatre Company, a 503C nonprofit organization was established in August 2015.
The idea was conceived by three friends, as they were casually talking about Opelika needing a community theatre to support the amazing talent in this area. An email was sent out to many area residents to attend a start-up meeting and voila! A core group of people made a commitment to give birth to this remarkable program. The artistic director of OTC is very proud of and thankful for her wonderful staff and The Community Foundation of East Alabama for making this dream possible.