Trying to become a new you this new year?
Workout Anytime Opelika can help you stick to your fitness goals in 2023.
“A lot of people come into the gym and do too much too quick,” said Opelika Workout Anytime General Manger Roger Good. “The most important thing is having a plan and sticking to that plan… have a plan for the whole year.”
Workout Anytime is a 24/7 facility based out of Atlanta that prides itself on “providing a friendly, convenient and life changing journey with passion,” Good said. Its vision is to reshape the fitness community to where everybody aspires to be the best person they can possibly be, he continued.
Workout Anytime is smaller than most other fitness clubs and touts its friendly and family-like atmosphere, Good said.
“It’s a different vibe,” he said. “They [Workout Anytime] are smaller clubs. It’s more of a one-on-one. You walk through the door at my gym and I know who you are.”
Good said he thinks Workout Anytime’s approachable culture can ease the intimidation that is associated with people trying to start working out again, or for the first time ever.
“Joining a gym or any club, especially this time of year, it’s intimidating, especially if you don’t know what you are doing,” Good said. “I know we do a good job here of when you walk in and sign up, you feel like, ‘OK, I can do this; and if I can’t do this, I know someone has my back.’”
Good works out daily, as a way to “set the tone,” he said. But if you’re looking to start or restart your fitness and health journey in 2023, Good suggests easing into the process.
“For so long people try to go from not doing anything at all to going all in and having this mindset of ‘I am going to get in the best shape of my life,’” Good said. “If you’re not in fitness, getting in the best shape of your life in reality means you want a little bit more endurance, a little more strength, a little more mobility.”
Good said the best thing people can do to achieve their 2023 health and fitness goals is to make a workout plan and stick to it.
“The biggest thing right off the bat is having a plan,” he said. “Not only are you keeping yourself motivated to where you are always looking forward to something else, you’re not going to plateau doing too much of the same thing.
“If you come in and start working out five days a week, how are you going to stick to that before you finally just fall off? If you can get results coming to the gym two days a week, then do that. And then add a third day, or a walk on a third day.
“Try to do as little as you can to elicit change in your body, that way you don’t run in to those plateaus where we aren’t seeing results and get upset about it.”
Workout Anytime Opelika offers memberships in the range of $10 to $29. It offers tanning, hydro massage, personal training and one-on-one consultations.
Just not a fan of the gym? You’re in luck! Good has some suggestions to help you achieve your health goals right from home.
“Even when you are at home, you start with a plan,” he said. “Give yourself small goals that you can achieve very easily and then build off those for long-term success. Start slow; start small. It can be as simple as looking at what you do bad. Build on it.
“Losing weight is not hard. You eat less and move more. The problem is keeping it off. In January everyone hits the ground going and tries to get in shape really quick. That’s not sustainable. What you can do is build on these little things.”