BY TOM WOFFORDFOR THE OBSERVER LEE COUNTYThe atmosphere was celebratory on Oct. 13 in Judge Steven Speakman’s courtroom as the 9th graduating class...

BY TOM WOFFORDFOR THE OBSERVER LEE COUNTYThe atmosphere was celebratory on Oct. 13 in Judge Steven Speakman’s courtroom as the 9th graduating class...
CONTRIBUTED BYTHE CIY OF OPELIKA OPELIKA –The Opelika Fire Department will celebrate its 150th Anniversary with a community-wide celebration on...
BY ANDY LEE WHITEFOR THE OBSERVER AUBURN —Auburn University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Fall Brown Bag lecture series will be...
Bama RV held its Grand Opening from Oct. 5 to Oct. 7, peaking the third day with a special appearance by Auburn Quarterback Payton Thorne, who...
BY AUDREY KENTFOR THE OBSERVER AUBURN –The Kreher Preserve and Nature Center’s annual Halloween Enchanted Forest opens Oct. 19, and will continue...
CONTRIBUTED BY LCSO LEE COUNTY —The Standing Rock Fish Fry & Bake Sale will be held on Nov. 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the old Standing Rock...
CONTRIBUTED BY GSEA OPELIKA —During the Genealogical Society of East Alabama (GSEA) quarterly meeting, Steve Murray will speak at the Museum of East...
BY HANNAH GOLDFINGERHGOLDFINGER@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM AUBURN —Women’s Hope has been doing its work in Lee County for 40 years now, changing...