Events Articles

Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship to Hold Annual Auction

Contributed by AUUF Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (AUUF) has announced dates and times for its 29th annual auction. The auction is a major fundraiser that supports AUUF and the Auburn community. This year, AUUF will host silent and live auctions as separate...

Harvest Evangelism To Host Thanksgiving Meal, Prayer

Contributedto the Observer   Pastor Rick Hagans began what has become an East Alabama Thanksgiving tradition 40 years ago. What started off as Hagans and some college buddies taking a turkey or two to folks he said he knew would be hungry on Thanksgiving, has...


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF LEE COUNTY, ALABAMA JUVENILE DIVISION T.P. a. minor child (DOB: 08/08/2011), Case No. JU 2020-220.02 K.P. a minor child (DOB: 08/16/2012), Case No. JU 2020-221.02 NOTICE OF PETITION & SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE TO: De’Rebia Pugh and any...

NAMI Meeting Planned For Nov. 16

CONTRIBUTED BY NAMI NAMI East Alabama, the local affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 16, at the Auburn Chamber of Commerce which is located at 714 E. Glenn Ave. in Auburn.  NAMI supports families...