Singing at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, 3105 County Rd 237, Roanoke,  AL 36274 invites all to a 5th Sunday Singing on March 30th 2025 at 3:00 PM. The guest singer is Bill King. Refreshments to follow.

Emmanuel Episcopal Church hosting midweek service during Lent

Emmanuel Episcopal Church will be hosting a contemplative midweek service beginning March 12 at 11:45 am during the holy season of Lent. The service incorporates a 15-minute musical offering and ends with a service of Holy Communion. Sack lunches will be available for all of those attending to take with them or enjoy on Emmanuel’s campus. This contemplative time is meant to foster a sense of quiet and peace in the midst of a chaotic world. For more information please contact the church office at or visit us on Sundays at 10 am at 800 1st Avenue. All are truly welcome in this place!