Special to the
Opelika Observer
Join the Food Bank of East Alabama in largest single-day food drive to ‘Help Stamp Out Hunger’ on May 11.
Hunger in the United States? In many ways, America is the land of plenty, but for 1-in-5 people in Alabama, hunger is a reality. Today, approximately 49 million Americans, including 16 million children, struggle with hunger. These are often hard-working adults, children and seniors who find it challenging to make ends meet and feed their families.
On May 11, letter carriers will conduct the annual ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ food drive across the nation to collect food donations to provide assistance to Americans who struggle with hunger.
Helping Stamp Out Hunger is as close as your mailbox. Just leave a bag of non-perishable food where your letter carrier normally delivers your mail on May11.
Your letter carrier will then pick up and deliver the food to the food bank. All of the food stays to help families in the local community.
Food banks and shelters usually benefit from an upswing in charitable donations during the winter holiday season. By springtime, however, their stocks tend to dwindle to critically low levels. Food from this drive helps fill the shelves of local food pantries, shelters, and meal programs across East Alabama.
This year has even more urgency than usual as food banks and food pantries assist families impacted by the March 3 tornadoes.
While one bag of food can seem like a small thing, Stamp Out Hunger makes a huge impact every year thanks to the support of the community.
Examples of non-perishable items include:
- Canned soup
- Canned meats and fish
- Canned vegetables, fruits and juices
- Boxed goods (such as cereal)
- Pasta and rice
- Peanut butter
For more information, call 334-821-9006.