Say it like a Southerner!

At a recent Christmas banquet, I was sitting next to a Yankee who had just moved to these parts. We were kidding him about the way he pronounced some words. He had questions, so I agreed to write a brief little guide to the Southern Accent which I hope will be useful...

Bits and pieces are essential

If you only have a very small portion of food left in the bowl after supper is over, do you scrape that little bit of food into the garbage because it isn’t enough for one serving? If so, do you also empty your pockets when you are getting ready to go to bed and throw...

Weird weather, rattlesnakes and buzzards

We experienced record-breaking warm weather in November and December, and now, a heat-wave is occurring in January. Weather forecasters are predicting above average temperatures for the remainder of the winter, at least in the Southeast. Indian summer is a period of...

Subject-verb agreement can promote mediocrity

People who don’t understand the language are doing things they ought not to be doing. Take the Los Angeles Times … please. The Times is goose stepping its way toward a style book that demands that “subjects and verbs must agree no matter what lies between.”...

Angels among us

Because I did not attend kindergarten, the first day of first grade was literally my first day of school. It was the fall of 1978. I’ll never forget that first day. It wasn’t because my bus was late. It wasn’t because I was locked out of the trailer where my class was...