Lee County instituted a noise ordinance a few weeks ago and now the Sheriff’s Department has created a uniform procedure to address violations.

Any citizen outside of the city limits of Auburn or Opelika, can call the Sheriff’s Department about a complaint, said Chris Wallace with the Lee County Sheriff’s Department.

“We would send a deputy out to investigate the complaint,” he said. “They would then meet with the complainer, talk to them and listen for the noise. They would make an attempt to go meet with whoever is making the noise. Once they meet with them, they would then make a determination if a violation occurred.”

Then a deputy can choose to issue a warning or a citation if a violation occurred, Wallace said.

“Nine times out of 10, just a warning to these people would end the problem and we wouldn’t have it again,” he said.

However, if a citation is issued, the defendant will appear before the commission to pay the citation within 14 days or file for an appeal.

“Personnel at the commission’s office would then set them up with the next appropriate date to be heard in front of you all and then y’all would hear the case,” Wallace said.

The deputy would also appear before the commission.


The commission approved a budget adjustment for merit raises for county employees.

Originally, when the budget was approved in September, merit raises were 1% for a one-step, 2% for a two-step and 3% for a three-step. Probate Judge Bill English asked the commission to approve a 3% raise for a two-step and 5% for a three-step.

“I think we need to do it to keep our employees,” said District 1 Commissioner Doug Cannon.

Cannon said that with inflation, this is necessary.

“We’ve got some great employees and we need to do what we can to keep them,” said District 5 Commissioner Richard LaGrand.

Each appointment authority is in charge of the employees in their department; i.e. English over the probate office, EMA Director Rita Smith over EMA, County Engineer Justin Hardee over the Highway Department, etc.


– The commission heard from Hardee for his annual evaluation.

– The commission approved a special events license application for Trinity Hospitality Group.

– The commission approved a letter of support for Lee County EMA Director Rita Smith to apply for vice president of the AAEM.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, March, 29 at 5 p.m.