By Morgan Bryce
Staff Reporter
The Opelika Sportsplex and Aquatics Center will host its fifth annual Senior Health Fair on Oct. 4, from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Sponsored by the Robert and Marjorie Goodson Foundation, Opelika City Council and the Opelika Observer, the free event will offer attendees a host of services, including vision screenings, prostate exams and overall medical evaluations.
Valeri White, who works as the senior adult coordinator at the Sportsplex, said the fair has seen extensive growth since it began.
“We’ve grown to between 60-65 vendors with 62 confirmed for this year’s fair … and we’ve gone from having 100 to nearly 300 show up at last year’s fair,” White said.
Representatives from Auburn University’s school of nutrition and the Lee County Sherriff’s Department, as well as those from local assisted living facilities and financial institutions will be present at the event, which White says makes it truly an overall resource and wellness fair.
“I hope that through this event, people will realize how our area is changing and resources are becoming much more geared to our senior population as they age. That’s a huge and growing population across the country,” White said. “I just hope people realize that we’re making strides to making sure that we’re meeting the needs of everyone in our communities.”
For more information about the event, call 705-2493, or email