Walt Albritton Articles

Alter Call | Aug. 29, 2024

I love you 'Honey' OPINION — Life lessons abound in the common events of life. I learned a good one while refilling the little honey jar I bought from Ruttan Family Farms in LaPine, Alabama.My son Steve’s friend, Butch Ruttan, is the beekeeper who runs the family...

Alter Call | Aug. 15, 2024

The Key to finishing Strong OPINION — I grew up in the church. Mama said I pitched a fit when she left me in the nursery. In church I met many fine teachers and youth leaders. I met the girl who would become my wife, and other boys and girls who became good friends. I...

Alter Call | Aug. 8, 2024

The most tragic word in society OPINION — Jesus was preparing his disciples for his departure. He washed the feet of his disciples as an example of the love they should have for each other. He had endured the pain of observing Judas leave the table to carry out his...

Alter Call | Aug. 1, 2024

Suddenly Jesus! OPINION — On the day God raised Jesus from the dead, two disciples of Jesus were walking on the road to Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. The two may have been husband and wife, Cleopas and Mary, possibly the two mentioned in John 19:25. Mary...
Alter Call

Alter Call

Like a stranger in the night OPINION — I have an idea that one day God grew weary of the scornful attitude some of his sophisticated children had...

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Alter Call

Alter Call

When you don't know what to do OPINION — We were in our bed. My wife was crying. The excruciating pain of a herniated disc in her back was more than...

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Alter Call

Altar Call

Seven things that will never change OPINION — Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is reportedly worth over 200 billion dollars. He credits his...

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Alter Call

Alter Call | June 27, 2024

He's alive and I'm forgiven OPINION — Jesus died on Friday, so Saturday was a terrible day for those who had loved Jesus. God was silent on that...

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Alter Call

Alter Call | June 20, 2024

Men Jesus can count on OPINION — Recently a pastor invited me to participate in a remarkable experience in his church on the outskirts of Opelika....

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Alter Call

Alter Call

You give them something to eat OPINION — Jesus was sad. Word had come to him of the beheading of his cousin, John the Baptist, a man he loved and...

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Alter Call

Alter Call

Servants or stars OPINION — Despite his prominent leadership role in the early church, the Apostle Paul was never guilty of pomposity. Not once did...

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Alter Call

Alter Call

Love Means Never Giving Up On Someone OPINION — Bob told me he made a lot of wrong choices growing up. In high school he ignored the curfew hour set...

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Alter Call

Alter Call | May 23, 2024

We all need balcony people OPINION — Rejection is painful. Wrapped in cruelty, it can wound and even destroy relationships. Affirmation, on the...

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