by Noori Mallaji
Student Reporter
“I have always wanted to be a teacher, and I knew Lee-Scott Academy was where I wanted to teach because of its environment, academics, faculty and administration,” said Lee-Scott alumna Brittany Spillman, who has almost completed her first year of teaching at her high school alma mater. “I did not apply for a job anywhere else,” said Spillman, who has taught seventh grade English enrichment courses this year. “I knew this was where I wanted to be.”
Spillman worked as a substitute teacher at LSA before becoming a full time teacher this year. Substitute teaching opened her eyes to the fact that she wanted to return to Lee-Scott as a faculty member.
“It is much better to be on the teaching side of school,” said Spillman. “You can empathize with the students, the teachers now treat me as a peer rather than a student, and, since I know what it feels like to have been a student, I can teach in a manner that is appealing to them.”
Overall, Spillman said she enjoys being a full-time teacher at LSA more than being a substitute teacher.
“I love it. Even though there are more responsibilities, I enjoy teaching full-time because I am able to have my own classroom and have the same kids over and over. You begin to learn the students’ traits and personalities. Furthermore, I like being able to help with Lee-Scott’s SGA and homecoming.”
Spillman adds that she cherishes teaching the seventh grade because this is the students’ first year in high school, and she is able to instill in them the virtue of being responsible.
“Jeananne Allgood, coach Steve Darden, coach Scott Sprouse, Christy Garner and coach Jim White, who are or have been teachers at LSA, inspired me to become a teacher,” recollected Spillman. “And now that I have become one, they have all helped me with my first year of teaching.”
As far as the future is concerned, Spillman, who has a masters degree in education from Auburn University, said she hopes to go back to college to receive a higher degree, possibly a doctoral degree.
“In the future I would like to teach more classes and hopefully lead more organizations and clubs here at LSA,” said Spillman. “I would love to continue teaching at LSA for the rest of my career.”