JUANITA OLIVER DUNSON Juanita Oliver Dunson, 81, of Roanoke, died Monday, March 17, 2025, at her residence.A graveside...
AARON E. GREENEA memorial service for Aaron E. Greene, age 96, will be held at...
CHARLES E. “CHUCK” WILSONCharles E. “Chuck” Wilson passed away in Auburn on March...
JAMES THOMAS TYSON James Thomas Tyson was born May 13, 1943, and died March 8,...
EVANGELINE “EVIE” SPRAGUE POUNCEYEvangeline “Evie” Sprague Pouncey died at East...
Other Obituaries
PRISCILLA BRANCH MCCLENDONOn Jan. 28, Priscilla Branch McClendon (affectionately known as Boo), 79, peacefully passed...
DOROTHY “QUINCY” BUTLER CORDELLDorothy “Quincyˮ Butler Cordell, 72, of Auburn passed away at East Alabama Medical...
PERRY LEE MANN Perry Lee Mann of Opelika died on Feb. 8, 2025, while a resident at St. Martin’s in the Pines in...