Events Articles

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere

PHOTOS BY ROBERT NOLES/ THE OBSERVER Isaac's Lemonade hosted a Pumpkin Carving Party at Courthouse Square, Saturday, Oct. 21. Participants had the opportunity to decorate a pumpkin and vendors offered up goodies like kettle corn and more. 2023-10-21 Pumpkin Carving...

Pierce Pettis returns for Sundilla concert this Friday

CONTRIBUTED TO THE OBSERVER AUBURN —Longtime local favorite Pierce Pettis returns to Sundilla on Friday, Oct. 27.Showtime at the Auburn Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, located at 450 E. Thach Ave., is 7:30 p.m.Advance tickets are $20 and can be found at Spicer’s...

Downtown to be Bustling On Friday

BY ANITA STIEFELANITAS@OPELIKAOBSERVER.COM OPELIKA —Downtown Opelika will offer a trifecta of entertainment Friday evening, Oct. 20, as Opelika Main Street's "On the Tracks" wine trail event coincides with the Opelika Chamber of Commerce's Food Truck Friday and Red...
Party Like It’s Mardi (Gras)

Party Like It’s Mardi (Gras)

The Krewe De Tigris Mardi Gras Parade was held in downtown Auburn Saturday, Feb. 18. Scroll through photos below. PHOTOS BY JERRY BALLAS / FOR THE...

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