Bruce Green Articles

A taste of grace

Staying humble and hungry OPINION — Most of us have heard of the John Godfrey Saxe poem, The Blind Men and the Elephant. It is based on a traditional Indian parable and tells of six blind men from Indostan who came across an elephant. As each touched a different part,...

A Taste of Grace | July 18, 2024

Rce OPINION — The psalmist supplies us with several reasons for praising God in Psalm 103. At the start of his list is “forget not all of His benefits” (v. 2). In v. 3-8 he enumerates some of those. Applicationally speaking, this is a part of the psalm where there is...

Studying His Word | July 4, 2024

If it's not broken, God hasn't fixed it OPINION — Psalm 51 is a challenging psalm. There’s the historical context (it is likely written by David after Nathan exposed his adultery with Bathsheba and his murder of Uriah). Then there’s our context (i.e., most of us have...

Studying His Word | June 27, 2024

Praying Wisely OPINION — A couple in their sixties was walking along the beach when they spied an object hidden in the sand. They uncovered it, knocked the sand off, and identified it as an old, old lamp. Before they knew it — POOF! — a genie had appeared to grant...


BY BRUCE GREEN OPINION —The story of David and his desire to build a temple for God is recorded in 2 Samuel 7. By this point in David’s life, a lot...

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Leaving the consequences to God

BY BRUCE GREEN OPINION —In chapter 6 of Daniel, the Medo-Persians have taken over after defeating Belshazzar and the Babylonians. Daniel (who had to...

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BY BRUCE GREEN OPINION — In Daniel 5, we’ve moved forward an indeterminate amount of time. Chapter 4 takes place during Nebuchadnezzar’s reign...

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Hurting for Humility

BY BRUCE GREEN OPINION — Who would you rather be: a prisoner of war or someone who occupies an important position of power and influence?That...

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When temptation calls your name

When temptation calls your name

BY BRUCE GREEN OPINION —Last week we saw from Daniel 3 how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego made the courageous decision on the plain of Dura not to...

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When Temptation Calls Your Name

BY BRUCE GREEN OPINION —The scene shifts in Daniel 3 to the plain of Dura. Nebuchadnezzar has gathered bureaucrats there from all over the kingdom...

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Sincerely But No Longer Yours

RELIGION —In Daniel 2, we have the first of the five visions found in the book. God initially gave the vision to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream and...

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When Trouble Comes

BY BRUCE GREEN RELIGION —Chapter two of Daniel is part of the historical section of the book (1-6) that features what are often referred to as...

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At Work in Babylon

RELIGION —We took an excursion last week to make some applications from Daniel to our lives. We need to close the loop on the difficult situation...

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