Ann Cipperly Articles

Sally Sheehan Carries On Family Traditions At Thanksgiving

By Ann Cipperly Thanksgiving is a special time at the home of Sally and Rusty Sheehan, where family traditions are passed on each year. Sally brings out her mother’s fine china and crystal and her grandmother’s linens to create a lovely table setting. Favorite family...

Bake Yummy Pies for Special Fall, Holiday Desserts

By Ann Cipperly In the fall, as ripe apples and a fresh crop of pecans are gathered, it is the perfect time for baking delicious pies with buttery crusts. Pies are yummy by themselves or enhanced with whipped cream or ice cream. As you plan menus for Thanksgiving and...

Auburn Campus Club Celebrates 75 Years

By Ann Cipperly On Nov. 10, long-time members and new members of the Auburn Campus Club will meet at the Saugahatchee Country Club to celebrate the club’s 75th anniversary. History, pictures and memories from 1946 to 2021 will be shared in an informative and...

Lyn Littleton Shares Family Recipes For Fall Get-Togethers

By Ann Cipperly At her home in Opelika, Lyn Littleton enjoys getting in the kitchen to bake her mother’s and grandmother’s passed down recipes for yummy desserts for her husband, David, and their family. Along with wonderful desserts, Lyn is sharing a variety of...