By Rebekah Martin
Associate Editor
Mayor Gary Fuller named Sept. 22 “Character Day” in Opelika at last week’s city council meeting. Opelika has been a city of character since 2007, and according to the proclamation Fuller read, the Character Council of Opelika has been organized for the purpose of promoting, developing and reinforcing a strong character environment in all aspects that touch the lives of Opelika’s citizens. It identifies and recognizes practices and resources that build and reinforce positive character attributes.
“We desire to build upon our heritage in making Opelika a place where families are strong, neighbors are caring, homes and streets are safe, education effective, businesses productive, and citizens free to make wise choices for their lives and their families,” the proclamation reads.
Rosanna McGinnis, Barbara Patton, Tom Tippett and Rusty Sheehan were present to accept the mayor’s proclamation.
The mayor also took time to recognize John Harris, who serves as the city’s storm water manager, with an “attaboy” award. Fuller said Harris went above and beyond the call of duty to organize a group of volunteers to repair a drainage problem on a woman’s property after heavy rains. City engineer Scott Parker nominated Harris for the award and said he is proud to have someone of Harris’s character working with the engineering department.
In other business, the council:
-approved the city’s annual contract with the Lee County Humane Society.
-approved a resolution authorizing a refund of $3,600 to the Anesthesia Association of East Alabama for overpayment of occupational license fees.
-reappointed Wallace Paschal to the Celebrate Alabama Cooperative District.
-reappointed Ozzy Comer and Wayne Gibson to the Board of Adjustment Appeals.
-reappointed Richard Mormon to Lee County Youth Development center board.
-amended section 5-17.1 of city’s code of ordinances, raising the building permit fee by $1 per $1,000 of non-residential construction projects. According to the ordinance, the fee will be remitted to the Alabama Department of Finance as a state-mandated Industry Craft Training program fee.
-awarded a bid to D&J Enterprises in the amount of $446,990 for the 22nd Street alignment/1st Ave. widening and resurfacing project.