AUBURN — At the Auburn City Schools Board of Education’s regularly scheduled meeting on March 18, Superintendent Dr. Cristen Herring opened by recognizing the 2024-2025 Auburn High School Ambassadors in attendance. Herring thanked the students for representing Auburn High School and Auburn City Schools. For a few ambassadors, this was their last school board meeting of the year.
In school news, parent inquiries were submitted to the board in reference to Plains High School, which is projected to open in 2028.
In new business, the semi-annual staff diversity demographics report for both certified staff and support staff was presented to the board for review. Several times each year this report is provided to board members only for review.
“In concert with the intentions of the Lee v. Macon consent decree, Auburn city schools try to maintain a staff and faculty that well represents the student community,” said Herring.
The board approved the adoption of new textbooks for career technical education and science. The majority of the books were approved by the state board of education, along with a separate index of specialized textbooks outside of the state’s adoption list that specifically cater to courses in Auburn City Schools. Herring said these textbooks are for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year and years beyond.
The board approved an owner architect agreement with Perkins and Will of Atlanta for ACS’s new middle school construction project, which is a part of the facilities master plan.
The board approved a bid of $189, 499 with Huckaby Brothers Floor Covering of Phenix City for Pick Elementary School’s new carpet installation. This will be the school’s first installation since its opening.
The board approved a bid from Bodine’s Landscape Services for lawn maintenance and landscape services. The new contract will become effective April 1 and run through March 31, 2026.
The board approved the request of correction for a statutory warranty deed regarding a parcel of property on which the Boykin Community Center was built. On May 8, 2001, the board transferred ownership of the property located on Boykin Drive to the city of Auburn. A correction in legal deed description is to be rewritten, but no change in property ownership will be made.
Board vice president Kathy Powell and member Sharon Tolbert were appointed to serve as the superintendent’s evaluation committee.
Board President Melanie Chambless announced there will be work sessions on April 1 and May 6 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. in the AJHS professional learning room.
The next board meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 8, in the Junior High School Multimedia room.