AUBURN — At its regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 10, the Auburn City Schools Board of Education approved a bid of more than $15.9 million from Evergreen Site Works LLC of Opelika for the early site preparation of the city’s second high school, and Superintendent Dr. Cristen Herring informed the board that ACS retained report card grade of “A” from the State Department of Education.
Herring thanked the Auburn High School counseling team — Isalie Corneil, Marie Harris, Heather Langford, Sheryl Smith, James Tindell and Nichole Warren — for being named a program of distinction by the Alabama School Counseling Association.
Herring shared compliments of Kim Chenier, Auburn Junior High seventh grade band teacher, on behalf of a junior high band parent, and Martha Henk, director of the Food Bank of East Alabama thanked Auburn City Schools for collecting more than 13,000 pounds of food during this year’s Beat Bama Food Drive.
The board recognized the Auburn High School girls cross-country team along with Head Coach Erica Skidmore for winning the 7A state championship, the program’s seventh in eight years (see photo on page B14).
The board approved final closeout for the turf field and track refurbishment project completed over the spring and summer of 2024 at the Auburn High School.
The board approved three owner architect agreements, including the Auburn Junior High School gym renovation with Bargainer Davis Williams Architects Associated of Montgomery, Duck Samford Stadium and Auburn High School Band field renovations with HNP LLC of Birmingham and Auburn High School bus loop addition or “bus parking lane” with Kadre Engineering of Irondale.
Board President Melanie Chambless, announced the annual training for the board will be held on Feb. 4 at the Central Office. The next board meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 14, at the Junior High School Multimedia room.