Sundilla welcomes an award-winning Ian Sherwood to town on Friday, July 21. Showtime at Pebble Hill is 7:30 p.m., and as with all Pebble Hill concerts, this one will be outdoors if the weather cooperates. Advance tickets are just $20 and can be found at Spicer’s Music, Ross House Coffee and online at; admission at the door will be $25. Free coffee, tea, water and food will be available, and as always the audience is invited to bring their own favorite food or beverage.

With Sherwood you get guitar, saxophone, huge songwriting and a voice that won him a Canadian Folk Music Award for Contemporary Singer; he brings everything and more to every stage he stands on. A born story teller and a constant creator, his music dances the line between folk and pop. He is in a constant state of creative motion, yet his live performances thrive on intimacy. His persona is irresistible and completely destroys fourth walls.

When the humble and hardworking musician takes to the stage, he delivers songs that dance the line between folk and pop; a natural storyteller, he adds much wit to his shows as he engages the audience with his lyrics, musicianship and his stage presence. Critics say “Born enigmatic performer. Brilliant lyrics. Lightening quick wit. Top notch all the way,” and “… a natural performer, a highly personable guy who entertains as much with his wit and stories as with his songs.” If it sounds like a concert that you don’t want to miss, you’re right!

For more information, go to