By Michelle Key
His Place and Hosanna Home held a graduation ceremony for 10 men and four women last Saturday.
The graduation was held at First Presbyterian Church in Opelika.
His Place and Hosanna Home are Christ-centered, Bible based recovery homes for men and women with life-controlling issues. His Place and Hosanna Home help men and women overcome addictions to drugs and alcohol. To graduate, a resident has to successfully (and drug free) complete a one year residential program.
The men and women who are graduating His Place and Hosanna Home came into the programs within the past 12 to 16 months from lives of heroin addiction, alcoholism, meth and opiate addictions and utter hopelessness.
Prior to coming to His Place and Hosanna Home these men and women were in prison, homeless, sexually abused, in jail and on the run. They were all helpless and hopeless. And now, as of this Saturday, they are graduates of an accredited drug and alcohol recovery program.
They are on the road to a successful, fulfilling life with all the tools they’ll need to make it.
In a world desperate for any good and positive stories, this graduation represents 14 wonderful stories.