By Michelle Key
The Opelika City Council met last Tuesday night and voted to approve a proposal from CDG Engineers & Associates, Inc. for the remediation of Rocky Brook Road and dam. Professional engineering services are needed for, among other things: a hydraulic study of the impoundment system, geotechnical services and remediation design and plan preparation. This action was deemed necessary by the engineering department due to a portion of the dam at Lake Forest Estates Subdivision which unexpectedly failed in December causing a section of Rocky Brook Road to sink into a hole in the roadway.
In other business, the council:
• approved a request from ARCH Investments LLC, D.B.A. 280 Marathon for a wine and beer off premise license
• approved a request from Prime Food Mart LLC D.B.A. 4th Street Station for a wine and beer off premise license.
• approved a request from Takoyaki LLC D.B.A. Takoyaki for a restaurant retail liquor & on premise beer license.
• approved a bid for Siemens single-phase voltage regulators with SEL control panel from Siemens Industry, Inc., for Opelika Power Services
• approved a resolution for expense reports from various departments
• authorized the designation of city personal property surplus and authorized the disposal of said property
• approved a street closure request for a downtown bike race on Feb. 16
• approved a resolution to deny rezoning of property located at 1203 Crawford Road based on the determination that the proposed rezoning will constitute an illegal spot zoning which would be in violation of Alabama law
• approved the appointment of Russell Jones as the new city clerk/treasurer effective March 1 and temporary deputy city clerk effective last week
• approved a contract with Sain Associates, Inc., for the development of a bicycle and pedestrian plan for the city of Opelika
• approved an ordinance to amend the Cannon Gate planned unit development master plan, which will convert 6.4 acres of open space to private ownership.
• approved an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance and Map to rezone 3.2 acres located on the westerly right-of-way of Dickson Street Dickson Street from an R-3 Low Density Residential District to I-1 Institutional District
• approved an ordinance to amend the text of the zoning ordinance of the city of Opelika and specifically to amend sections 9.5(15), 9.5(18), 9.5(19), 9.10(7), 9.10(9), 9.12(2), 9.12(3).
The Opelika City Council meets the first and third Tuesday nights of every month with meetings starting promptly at 7 p.m. Work sessions are held before the council meetings starting between 6 and 6:50 p.m. The work sessions and the council meetings are open to the public and all are invited to attend.
Meetings are held at City Hall, which is located at 204 S. 7th St.