WILLIAM O. POLSKOY, Plaintiff, V. A Parcel of Land Lying in Lee County, Alabama, to wit: CASE NO. CV-16-900566
All that certain tract or parcel of land containing 0.22
Acres more or less located in and being a part of Section 12, Township 19 North, Range 26 East, Opelika, Lee County, Alabama and being more particularly described :
As follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of Lot 1 Of Sutton on Renfro Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book :
37, Page 148 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Lee :
County, Alabama, go South 00 degrees 50 minutes 25 :
Seconds West 125.40 feet to the Southwest corner of :
Mentioned Lot 1; thence North 44 degrees 42 minutes 28 Seconds West 193.37 feet more or less to the Southern right:
Of way of Renfro Avenue; thence along the Southerly :
Right of Way of Renfro Avenue South 89 degrees 08 Minutes 58 seconds East 138.39 feet more or less; thence South 00 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds West 10.00 feet To the point of beginning; and Beverly Koplon Satlof; and Unknown heirs or assigns of Manuel Koplon and :
Sadye Shepard Koplon; and Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION
To: All Defendants herein, whose whereabouts are unknown and which cannot be ascertained after the exercise of reasonable diligence.
You are hereby notified that on the 6th day of December 2016, a complaint to quiet title was filed in the Circuit Court of Lee County, Alabama, and the following are the names of all parties to the action: William O. Polskoy, Beverly Koplon Satlof, and any unknown heirs or devisees of Manuel Koplon and Sadye Koplon, whose whereabouts are unknown and which cannot be ascertained after the exercise of due diligence, and who are believed to have claimed some right, title, interest or claim in and to the property described as follows:
A Parcel of Land Lying in Lee County, Alabama, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land containing 0.22 acres more or less located in and being a part of Section 12, Township 19 North, Range 26 East, Opelika, Lee County, Alabama and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest corner of Lot 1 of Sutton on Renfro Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 37, Page 148 in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Lee County, Alabama, go South 00 degrees 50 minutes 25 Seconds West 125.40 feet to the Southwest corner of mentioned Lot 1; thence North 44 degrees 42 minutes 28 Seconds West 193.37 feet more or less to the Southern right of way of Renfro Avenue; thence along the Southerly Right of Way of Renfro Avenue South 89 degrees 08 Minutes 58 seconds East 138.39 feet more or less; thence South 00 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds West 10.00 feet to the point of beginning.
All persons having an interest in said lands or any portion thereof, claiming any title thereto or any encumbrance or lien thereon, are hereby directed to plead, answer, or otherwise respond to the Complaint on or before the expiration of 30 days after the last publication of this notice, or thereafter suffer judgment by default to be rendered against them, it being intended that this notice shall be used to perfect service against all parties who cannot be personally served with a copy of the Complaint.
Done this the _________ day of _____________ 2016.
Mary Roberson
Circuit Court Clerk, Lee County
Benjamin H. Parr
Attorney for Plaintiff
Ingrum, Rice & Parr, LLC
830 Avenue A
Opelika AL 36801
Legal run 1/11/17, 1/18/17, 1/25/17 & 2/1/17