Letter to the Editor Articles

Letter to the Editor:  For Mayor Anders

OPINION — Dear Mayor [Anders], This is the last council meeting for this council, it has accomplished a lot for the city in ways of Brick & Mortar, but citizens sometime feel that the council does not listen to their concerns. Should this Ordinance revoking a...

Letters to the Editor: Responses to Anti-Union Letter

CONTRIBUTED BY LEE COUNTY NAACP  BRANCH #5038 OPINION— In 1931, Florence Reece wrote a song in Harlan County, Kentucky, while organizing with her husband and the United Mine Workers entitled “Which Side are You On?” Since that time, various musicians and workers...

Auburn, Opelika Mayors Pen Letter to the Editor

CONTRIBUTED BY AUBURN MAYOR RON ANDERS AND OPELIKA MAYOR GARY FULLER LEE COUNTY — To the Editor: In the 1950s, over 50% of American workers were unionized. Today, the percentage of American workers who are unionized is approximately 10%. The numbers for just the...

Tuberville, Manchin Announce Feedback from NIL Stakeholder Outreach

CONTRIBUTED TO THE OBSERVER OPINION — U.S. Sens. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) and Joe Manchin (D-WV)  announced  last Thursday some of the key findings from their outreach to various athletic leaders to build consensus around legislation related to name, image...
Letter to the Community

Letter to the Community

Log a Load for 2020 was originally planned for May 2 at the Oak’s, due to the pandemic surrounding our lives we chose to cancel the event. I want to...

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Letter to the Editor

Here are some solid reasons for re-electing U.S. Senator Doug Jones on Tuesday, November 3. For 2019, Govtrack.us reported “Jones...

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Letter to the Editor

The Libertarian Party of Lee County wants to invite the citizens of Lee County to its first annual convention to help celebrate the Chapter’s first...

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Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

I would like to congratulate Todd Rauch for winning the Ward 5 seat on the Opelika City Council and his wife, Ali, for the dedication she...

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Dear Editor,

September is Suicide Prevention Month and was created so we can be there for each other and take steps to prevent suicide. The American Foundation...

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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing to correct a gross error on my part that appeared in your news story that appeared in Vol 12, No. 50 of...

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Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

My name is Robert Lofton and I am running for the Ward 3 City Council seat presently held by Dozier SmithT. I am a retired veterinarian and I...

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Dear Editor:

This summer, sportsmen and women celebrated the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, the most significant conservation legislation in a...

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