Steve Flowers Articles

Inside the Statehouse

2026 Governor's Race Has Begun OPINION — Alabama’s original 1901 Constitution had a law whereby the governor could only serve one four-year term and not succeed themselves. In 1968 the law was changed, and since then the governor and all other constitutional offices...

Inside the Statehouse: Disgraced, Fraudulent Criminal Con Man Donald Watkins Blogs From Prison

Disgraced, Fraudulent Criminal Con Man Donald Watkins Blogs From Prison OPINION — I am old and old-fashioned. I have been writing this column on Alabama government and political history for 20 years, and it appears weekly in more than 60 newspapers. Folks believe what...

Inside the Statehouse: Five Seats on Alabama Supreme Court Up for Election 2024

Five Seats on the Alabama Supreme Court Up for Election in 2024 OPINION — Next year is a big year nationally. It is a presidential year. However, it is a down or off year for Alabama. We, like several other southern states, have our big election year in...

Inside the Statehouse: It is Time for Alabamians to Reap Lottery Dollars

BY STEVE FLOWERS OPINION — The gala and festivities of the gubernatorial swearing-in are all wrapped up. Gov. Kay Ivey has been sworn in for another four-year term. The legislators, all 140, are all sworn in soon after the general election victories in November....
An Election Year to Remember

An Election Year to Remember

By Steve Flowers As we close out this year of COVID and presidential politics, many of you are still in discussions about Donald Trump. Some are...

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An Election Year to Remember

COVID killed The Don

By Steve Flowers Around Labor Day, when this year’s presidential campaign was beginning to heat up, I wrote a column about the classic 1960...

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An Election Year to Remember

Election Next Week

By Steve Flowers Well, folks, it is finally here. The presidential race is next Tuesday. However, a good many Americans have already voted. True...

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Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

By Steve Flowers Our 2020 presidential election is less than two weeks away. We Americans will either elect Republican Donald Trump for another...

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