Steve Flowers Articles

Inside the Statehouse: Lurleen Wallace

OPINION — Gov. Kay Ivey is Alabama’s second female governor. Lurleen Wallace was the first. Ironically, Ivey’s idol and impetus for striving to be governor was Wallace. Ivey’s first involvement in state politics was as a campaign worker for Lurleen’s 1966 race for...

Inside the Statehouse: Dr. David Bronner Celebrates 50 Years as CEO Of RSA

OPINION — The legendary head of the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA), Dr. David Bronner, celebrates 50 years as CEO this month. When the annals of Alabama history are written, there will never be an Alabamian as remarkable a public servant to our state than...

Inside the Statehouse: Jacob Waggoner – An Alabama Political Icon

OPINION — As I stroll down the halls of the Alabama Senate during this current regular session of the Alabama Legislature, I will stop and visit in the offices of my favorite legislative buddies. My favorite and first stop is with my longtime friend Jabo Waggoner....

Inside the Statehouse

Alabama Political Leaders under 45 OPINION — It may appear to you and most casual observers of Alabama politics that our Alabama elected officials are old. That observation is accurate when you observe our current leaders in the highest offices. The governor’s office...
Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

How Will Alabama Fare in Washington after Richard Shelby By Steve Flowers Some of you have inquired how Alabama will fare in Washington after...

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Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

Some Legislative Issues By Steve Flowers The 2020 legislative regular session is wrapping up. After this week’s two-days of meeting days, only one...

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Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

Who Are the Nine People Who Sit on Our State Supreme Court? By Steve Flowers This week allow me to share with you a sketch of the men and women who...

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Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

State Supreme Court often forgotten in Alabama By Steve Flowers Our 1901 Alabama Constitution replicates the United States Constitution in designing...

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Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

Reapportionment and Gerrymandering By Steve Flowers Hopefully, you participated in the census last year.  It is vitally important for each...

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Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

By Steve Flowers Wallace: Political Genius and Legislative Master As the Regular Legislative Session evolves, I recall years past when George...

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Inside the Statehouse


2022 Will be a big year for Alabama politics By Steve Flowers All signs point to a Titanic political year in 2022. In fact, as I look back over the...

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Inside the Statehouse

Inside the Statehouse

Gambling and Budgets Priority for Legislature By Steve Flowers The legislature is at the midway point of the 2021 Regular Legislative Session. They...

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