Sean Dietrich Articles


BY SEAN DIETRICH OPINION — If you’re a boy, and you’re thinking of marrying a Southern woman like I did, you’d do well to understand how she thinks first. Take for instance, my wife, Jamie. I’ve spent years in training beneath her tutelage. I’ve learned a few things....

People next door

OPINION — Marie was a Waffle-House waitress with two kids. She smoked like a fish, worked like a trail horse, and was self-conscious about her teeth.Several of us fellas used to visit her every weekday morning for breakfast.Once she showed me a bronze token.“I’ve been...

It’s Girl Scout season

BY SEAN DIETRICH OPINION —It’s Girl Scout-cookie season again, which traditionally begins right after deer season, and is followed by Lent.This is the time of year when words like “Samoas,” “Shortbread Trefoils,” “Do-si-dos,” and “Tagalongs” become household names. A...


OPINION — Newspapers have a smell. If you’re lucky enough to find a newspaper in our digital world, you’ll notice the smell first. Fresh newsprint paper. SoySeal ink. Still warm. It’s a unique scent.I grew up throwing newspapers. Not on a bicycle. My mother and I...


By SEAN DIETRICH The dusk is reflecting off Douglas Lake. I am nestled in the French Broad River valley, seated on the porch of a log cabin,...

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A New Year

By SEAN DIETRICH Goodbye old year. You were a decent year, I don’t care what they say about you. Yeah, a lot of crummy stuff happened in 2022. But a...

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This I Know

This I Know

This story was told to me by a friend. A retired nurse.  The nurse was passing by room 202 in the pediatric oncology wing. It was late. The...

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Hi. We don’t know each other. But Christmas is on the way, and I wanted to introduce myself. Then again, my name isn’t important. I’m nobody...

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Pretty Lights

By SEAN DIETRICH Sunset. My driveway. “OK, everybody get in the truck!” I shouted, using my cheerful American dad voice. Although, technically, I’m...

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Disney Child

Disney Child

My earliest memory is of a record player. It sat in my mother’s bedroom. Sometimes, she would play records for me. In one particular memory, she...

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It’s Going to be OK

By SEAN DIETRICH You’re going to be OK. That’s not an opinion. It’s not a guess. This isn’t some trite little catchphrase from some crappy...

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By SEAN DIETRICH Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Yeah, I know most folks would choose Christmas as their favorite, but not me. Namely, because...

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Disney Child

For the Love of Cornbread

I don’t engage in controversy. But sometimes I have to. And this is one of those have-to moments.  Namely, because I feel it’s my duty as a...

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