Sending out search parties

Earlier this week, a new lawn guy inadvertently allowed my back gate to open, and I was horrified to find several of my dogs out of the yard. Two of them took off up the street, and while I was quickly able to get them back home, the frightening “What if” continued to...

Wars, Words, Ramifications

Shortly after World War II began in 1941, my 7-year-old buddies and I learned a really cool word from the movies. We learned it from the movies about the French commandoes who would huddle early in the movie to “synchronize their watches” for the attack on the Nazi...

Yard sales deserve another chance

A long time ago, I decided I would not do yard sales anymore. I have never been very successful – the fact that I am not a terribly cheerful person in the morning has a little to do with it. The fact that I hate to barter doesn’t help either. I just don’t enjoy any...