Editorial Board Articles

Guest column

The most popular veterans benefits do not expire BY PAUL R. LAWRENCE OPINION — While some people may think that the veterans benefits they have earned from military service could evaporate or disappear, this is inaccurate. The most popular veteran benefits have no...

Groups file suit to block new law against voter assistance

CONTRIBUTED TO THE OBSERVER ALABAMA — A coalition of civil rights, voting rights and disability rights organizations filed a lawsuit challenging Alabama’s Senate Bill 1 (SB1), which was signed by Gov. Kay Ivey on March 20. The law, set to take effect on Oct. 1 ahead...

Rightside Way

Good Sports OPINION — Sports has always brought out a fevered pitch reaction from fans. Sporting events create great memories, great lessons and can serve as a great unifier. Sports can also rally beleaguered people out of their despair and malaise. Sports is about...

Sen Bernie Sanders Trying to Raise Prescription Drug Costs

CONTRIBUTED BY STATE REP. DEBBIE WOODS OPINION —As members of Congress begin settling back into work after their summer recess, Alabama’s United States senators need to be careful not to support wolf in sheep’s clothing healthcare legislation that could cost their...
Aim Small, Miss Small

Aim Small, Miss Small

OPINION — I had a discussion with a pastor recently about the weight of culture being pressed down upon our kids. At every turn it seems that kids...

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Regarding the face mask controversy, almost all willingly wear clothing in public, which enables protection from such as mosquitoes, sunburn,...

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