It’s not too late

The man who had the most beautiful garden that I have ever seen in my life had a concrete rule about when to plant. He believed that the garden was to be planted on Good Friday and he did this no matter when Good Friday was celebrated. But if you did not plant your...

Farming according to the experts

Daddy kept up with the latest trends in farming. He was friendly with the County Agent and his staff and the Soil Conservation guy and his staff, and even the Ag teacher, although Daddy didn’t have any kids of high school age then. When they came up with a new plant...

4/12 Legals

NOTICE OF DIVORCE ACTION Sam Phouthonesy, whose whereabouts is unknown, must answer Vone Silavanh’s petition for Divorce and other relief by April 12, 2013 or thereafter, a Judgment by default may be rendered against him in Case No: DR-2012-900275, in the Circuit...

A closer look at the NRA

The National Rifle Association could improve its relations with the public by working through programs aiming to improve the mental health of people, all kinds of people. Now maybe they are working through such programs, but if they are I don’t know about it. The...