Easter recap

I thoroughly enjoyed looking through my newsfeed on Facebook and seeing so many beautiful pictures of family and friends dressed up in their Easter best. I love seeing happy people. However, I did find it odd that Easter, judging by the pictures, has become very...

Does your financial status need improvement?

The way to improve your financial status is either to increase your income or decrease your outgo. The ideal way would be to both increase your income and decrease your outgo. How to accomplish either, or both, of these objectives should be given considerable thought,...


They are (finally) resurfacing the little street by our house in Prestige Plaza. They put the tar on the cracks many moons ago, and now they are actually doing the work. It makes me think about commissioners, then and now. In Frontier Country, it was common knowledge...


I don’t remember who held the guitar I first “played,” but I do remember the song that was sung as I plucked each string. “My dog has fleas. They bite his knees.” A musical masterpiece it’s not, but it does reflect a truth; if your dog has fleas, they will bite his...