How to give a puppy for Christmas

The image is one placed in our minds through books, TV shows, and movie scenes. The lid is lifted from a gaily wrapped Christmas package, and an adorable puppy pops her head out of the box. Every Christmas, many folks set out to copy this scenario, but the truth is,...

In memory of Nell

Nell died. First cousin. Uncle Kent’s fourth child (of seven), the older of two daughters. The red head.She was four years older than me, four grades. Rarified air to me. Yet, she always treated me almost like an equal. When we’d be picking cotton, I loved to hear her...

Happy Thanksgiving

Americans love the tradition of rushing to Grandmother’s to enjoy a Thanksgiving holiday feast with all the family. This is when you are reminded of how thankful you are or should be. Whether your Thanksgiving plans call for a Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving at...

Weather coyotes and treating head injuries

The Nov. 17 issue of Science News contained a lengthy article on worldwide weather conditions, pointing out areas where extremes in weather have occurred and continue to occur beginning in 2011. The prevailing consensus is that global warming is responsible, but can...